
2008 USHCC Convention
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  NAHCC President to speak at U.S Hispanic Chamber Leadership Training Institute in Sacramento, CA
Nashville, TN.- The Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce announces the participation of its President & CEO Yuri Cunza as a speaker at the "Effective advocacy and grassroots activism for your local chamber" during the USHCC convention's Leadership Training Institute.

The USHCC convention,is the largest gathering for Hispanic business owners in the nation, taking place this year in Sacramento, California from September 24-27, 2008.

"I feel very honored for the opportunity to represent our organization and its members and also in a way be here on behalf of Hispanic businesses in our city and state. With the surged of U.S. Hispanic purchasing power to nearly $870 billion in 2008 and projected to reach as much as $1.3 trillion by 2015, it is the time now to take notice and appreciate the undeniable benefits that our community represents as a market. The USHCC annual convention is a unique opportunity to get the most direct access to the largest number of Hispanic business owners from across the United States, Canada, Mexico and Latin America," said Cunza.

Part of the program includes the International Luncheon on Friday, Sept. 26, 2008 with Wachovia CFO and Senior Executive Vice President, Tom Wurtz serving as the keynote speaker. The luncheon will be attended by national and international leaders, business owners, corporate executives, board members, elected officials, chamber members and convention attendees. It will also be televised on Hispanics Today, award-winning USHCC television program that is broadcast to over 165 stations throughout the country reaching 84% of the Hispanic population in the U.S.

The four-day event will include a Town-Hall Session featuring Democratic and Republican Presidential candidates, a variety of workshops, chamber trainings, and business sessions focused on issues most important to the 2.5 million Hispanic-owned businesses the USHCC represents. This year's convention will continue to promote best practices on creating wealth, accessing procurement opportunities, and securing and sustaining long-term growth.

Event Summary: "Effective advocacy and grassroots activism for your local chamber"

Date: September 27, 2008 - 9:15am to 10:45am

Location: Sacramento Convention Center room 202


David Ferreira, USHCC VP Government Affairs (moderator)
Roy Perez, Vice Chair, CAHCCs
Dan Maldonado, USHCC Political Consultant
Yuri Cunza, Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Nathan Dietrich, Congresswoman Doris Matsui District 5 Sacramento


The workshop will describe in brief successful strategies for advocating public policy priorities before government officials/bodies as well as proven strategies for grassroots and grasstops organizing.

Moderator - David Ferreira, Vice President for Government Affairs, USHCC. As well as steering the conversation among the panelists, Mr. Ferreira will discuss how chambers can establish advocacy and grassroots systems, use existing USHCC provided services, and other strategies to establish or expand current advocacy efforts.

Speakers on Federal Advocacy

Daniel Maldonado, Principal, MARC & Associates. As a registered federal lobbyist Mr. Maldonado will focus on principal strategies for establishing and maintaining relationships with federal officials, when and when not to expend political capital, tracking and formulating policy positions on federal legislation, and overview of restrictions on lobbying by non-profit organizations.

Mr. Nathan Dietrich, Office of Congresswoman Doris Matsui. Will offer the perspectives of a Congressional district office. What types of advocacy can best motivate the interest of a Congressional office on a policy or local political issue.

Speaker on State Advocacy - Roy Perez, Vice Chair, CAHCCs. As one of the principal legislative and advocacy representatives for the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, he will be able to discuss examples of multi-chamber partnerships for advocacy and on successful strategies for advancing your chamber's policy needs at the state capital be they legislative, grants/funding, or appointments. Mr. Perez will also discuss how to establish and maintain relationships with state officials.

Speaker on Local Advocacy - Yuri Cunza, President, Nashville Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Cunza will discuss best practices and examples of how to advocate before local government bodies and officials on policy issues of importance to a local chamber and its membership, eg: English only regulations, immigration ordinances, procurement, etc.

About the NAHCC
The Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the most influential non-profit Hispanic business member organization was founded in the year 2000. The mission of the NAHCC is to help Nashville become a better place to live, work and visit by creating positive environments conducive to business growth, education, integration, and cultural appreciation. The work of the NAHCC supports educational causes and the empowerment of entrepreneurship opportunities as well as mainstream member initiatives not restricted to the Hispanic market.

About the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Founded in 1979, the USHCC actively promotes the economic growth and development of Hispanic entrepreneurs and represents the interests of more than 2.5 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the United States that generate more than $388 billion annually. It also serves as the umbrella organization for 200 local Hispanic chambers in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, Bolivia and Uruguay. 
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