
Home | Member Benefits - Corporate Sponsor Promotions | Hispanic Heritage Month Achievement Award Recipients | 2008 USHCC Convention | Latin Cultural Festival | RESOLUTION NO. RS2008-402 | Mayor Karl Dean Address to the Council ENGLISH-ONLY | Metro Human Relations Commission Oposses "English-Only" | Small Business Resources | International Business Resources/Negocios Internacionales | NAHCC 2007 Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration | Pida al Senado por una Reforma Migratoria Justa | Statement by President Bush on Immigration | Board of Directors 2007-09 | The NEW Immigrants Manual - El NUEVO Manual del Inmigrante | 2007 NAHCC Annual Membership Meeting | NCO Music Without Boundries | Immigration Making Sense of the Debate | Our Mission... | Our Purpose | BECOME A NAHCC MEMBER / Membership Form | MEMBERS DIRECTORY | Join Now | Partnerships | Nissan - Skanska Opportunity | National Day of Economic Action - NAHCC Official Statement | Nahcc in the NEWS | RSVP | LatINforma | Hispanic Heritage Month | Calendar of Events | This Month's Business After Hours | Money Smart en Espaņol | Contact Us | Images
Who We are


The NAHCC was founded in January 2000 as a non-profit 501(c) 6 organization.


With Hispanic purchasing power reaching nearly $600 billion in mid 2003, and the growth of the Hispanic population in Nashville's MSA reaching 454% for the period 1999-2000, it is more important than ever for organizations and individuals to plug in to the Hispanic community.


We believe that most Hispanics who come to the U.S. do so with the purpose of building a better life for themselves and their families, while serving as a contri-buting force in their own individual ways.


With this in mind, the NAHCC engages in a wide array of endeavors from holding job fairs and listening forums that foster better relationships within our community, to hosting the issuance of official IDs by the Mexican Consulate.


We are working with and continue to find valuable support from some of Nashville’s corporate and local institutions.


Today, we are asking you to join our cause. The NAHCC is actively pursuing Corporate America’s financial support to continue these necessary services to our growing Hispanic community.


We look forward to working with you!

We would like to invite you to join us....

One of our goals at the NAHCC organization is to increase the popularity of our common interests. We hope to add new members so we will be able to grow and expand. We also want to have fun while when we are together and working on projects. By developing relationships and friendships, the organization will become even stronger.

Member Benefits:

    • Business Referrals
    • Networking Events
    • Hispanic E-Newsletter
    • Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities
    • Liason with selected Nashville
    • Hispanic Media oulets 
    • Sponsorship of NAHCC events
    • Free access to our “After Hours” meetings
    • Discounts on NAHCC events and programs

Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 40541 Nashville, TN 37204