
Small Business Resources
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Nashville contacts and resources for Small Businesses

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was
created in 1953 as an independent agency of the
federal government to aid, counsel, assist and
protect the interests of small business concerns,
to preserve free competitive enterprise and to
maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our

SCORE "Counselors to America's Small Business" is
America's premier source of free and confidential
small business advice for entrepreneurs.

SCORE Has Helped More Than 7.8 Million Small Businesses.

The Business Enterprise Resource Office (BERO) provides technical, financial and management information assistance to small, minority and women owned businesses. BERO’s main office is located in Nashville with regional offices in Memphis and Knoxville.

 Welcome to Metro Nashville’s Disadvantaged, Minority and Small Business Assistance and Contract Compliance (DMSBA) Website. Metro Government is committed to assisting in the development of Minority and Small Businesses in Davidson County. We believe that the role of small and minority businesses is very important to the Nashville Community and have developed this site as a resource to small and minority businesses. Included are points of interest and resources, notices regarding procurement opportunities, and other useful website links. We hope you will find this site useful and of value to your business.
International Business Council - Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce

The International Business Council (IBC) of the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce provides program support, communication links, and business-to-business networking opportunities to facilitate international trade activities. The IBC is comprised of members who have an interest in international business. The Council's mission is to enhance economic growth by supporting businesses serving international markets.

The Purchasing Division provides an effective and
efficient centralized procurement process, while
obtaining quality goods and services for use by
all operating state agencies and departments in a
timely and economical manner to assist customers
in performing their mission.

The TMSDC works to build business partnerships
between minority businesses (suppliers) and major
corporations (purchasers). We are affiliated with
the National Minority Supplier Development Council
(NMSDC) which has a network of more than 15,000
certified minority businesses, 3,500 major
corporations, and 39 regional councils nationwide.
Established in 1998 in Nashville, TN as a non-
profit organization; its mission is to
economically empower the African American
community through promotion, education, and
advancement of its businesses and their partners.

Founded in 1979, the USHCC actively promotes the
economic growth and development of Hispanic
entrepreneurs and represents the interests of more
than 2.5 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the
United States that generate more than $380 billion
annually.  It also serves as the umbrella
organization for 200 local Hispanic chambers in
the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico,
Bolivia and Uruguay. 

The TSBDC Network provides on-going training programs, seminars, workshops, and conferences to help small business owners and operators develop specific skills and methods required to maintain or expand a successful business.

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