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Our Mission...

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          Team up with Us


The Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce offers your business the opportunity to sponsor or even become a partner of our Hispanic Chamber through programs and services designed to assist in meeting your business goals.


Where we Stand



The work of the Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce could be better described through the following goals and accomplishments:


·        We provide our members with services, referrals and access to unique opportunities, programs and events. The Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce offers the much needed resources to our members such as business literacy programs, business development initiatives, Hispanic networking opportunities through our monthly mixers, events and a close involvement with mainstream local businesses.


·        In recent years the Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has been instrumental in improving the image of our growing Latino community while promoting the importance of creating avenues designed to improve trade and communication levels between communities.


·        Our connections and ongoing collaboration with many of our city and state economic development departments has lead to increased business opportunities for Hispanic and non-Hispanic businesses alike. Our work force development initiatives have included Job fairs and job opportunities at all levels with the participation of our corporate membership through online postings, newsletter announcements and the support of recognized Hispanic media outlets in Middle Tennessee.


·        Our interest and on going participation in the State legislative agenda will help promote legislation and policies that positively affect the Hispanic business community; while facilitating a more dynamic interaction with the mainstream business community.


·        The Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will campaign actively to strengthen local and state programs geared to improve the economic development of Hispanic firms; while developing corporate supported training opportunities. 


·        Our position is firm, we have been known to promote ethical and fair business practices, for instance our most recent (as of July 2005) outreach initiative with the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs will provide our members, Hispanic and non-Hispanic alike, a powerful recourse in protecting the interests of not only our members but also of the Hispanic community in general.


·        We will continue fighting for social causes, participating actively in bringing solutions to immigrant issues, developing community programs, events and partnerships such as serving as the appointed Hispanic Chamber to file complaints with related to a police officer or an employee of the Metropolitan Police Department misconduct along with the Human Relations Commission, the NACCP and the Office of Professional Accountability.



Our 2005-2006 Agenda includes a strong emphasis in providing technical assistance to Hispanic business, entrepreneurs and community based organizations.


We are the determined to build a future that will increase the contributions of Hispanics to our country. We believe in earning the due respect through hard work, participation and meaningful collaborations that can increase business relationships and partnerships between our nation’s corporate sector and Hispanic-owned businesses.


Our growing Hispanic business community has a voice, join us and let’s all be part of this growth!



Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 40541 Nashville, TN 37204
