
Metro Human Relations Commission Oposses "English-Only"
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(From MHRC Press Release)
Metro Human Relations Commission opposes effort to amend Metro Charter to designate English as the official language of Metropolitan Government

NASHVILLE, TN. (August 5, 2008)- The members of the Metro Human Relations Commission voted yesterday to oppose efforts to amend the Metro Charter to designate English as the official language of Metropolitan Government.  The 16 member Commission, all appointed by the Mayor, confirmed by the Metropolitan Council  and  representative of a broad cross section of the Nashville Community,  is tasked with the responsibility to provide community-wide education to reduce discrimination in employment, housing, financial services and public accommodations as well as to assist efforts to promote respect for diversity, encourage improved race relations and address issues of community concern.  
 " The effort to amend the Metro Charter to designate English as the official language of Metropolitan Government is a wedge issue which has the ability to jeopardize Nashville's place as one of the country's most desirable communities in which to live,  work and play.  This effort is divisive, creating an "us" and a "them"  and creates a mean and intolerant image  which is not reflective of the great city Nashville truly is; we are much better than this,"  said Kelvin Jones, Executive Director of the Commission. 
"The commissioners and staff of the Metro Human Relations Commission are committed to working with community leaders and stakeholders who are likewise invested in creating "One City for All People" .                                    


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